Transformational Coaching
Discover & live the highest expression of your life
Photo by Ales Krivec
Do you wish to be free no matter what life presents to you?
If so, then read on.
This transformation happens when we live in alignment with our truest self.
Photo by Boris Smokrovic
I guide you to move more consciously through life experiences, bringing you closer and closer to your truest self. The coaching container we create together allows you to heal, unblock and expand by meeting all the parts of yourself with kindness and love. This creates sustained transformation.
I offer you perspectives for you to try on and discover who you are, your relationship with yourself, the world and life. I train you in building new neural pathways to create a more supportive internal dialogue to build new habits. I guide you through somatic practices to discover the wisdom and strength within you. You then get to choose how you wish to be.
With confidence, you can then start to change your life and take steps to live your dreams and beyond.

Photo by Ales Krivec